bandeau texte musicologiesamedi 96 mars (4 juin) 2016

2nd Transnational Opera Studies Conference

5-7 juillet 2017, Bern

Following the success of the first meeting (University of Bologna, 30 June-2 July 2016), the second Transnational Opera Studies Conference will be hosted by the University of Bern, at the Musikwissenschaftliches Institut, from 5 to 7 July 2017. Its name will therefore be: tosc@bern.2017

The Programme Committee will consist of:

Marco Beghelli (Università di Bologna)

Céline Frigau Manning (Université de Paris-VIII)

Anselm Gerhard (Universität Bern)

Axel Körner (Univerity College London)

Gundula Kreuzer (Yale University)

Vincenzina C. Ottomano (Universität Bern)

Arne Stollberg (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Cristina Urchueguía (Universität Bern)

Anselm Gerhard and Vincenzina C. Ottomano will also serve as Conference organizers, assisted by Valeria Lucentini.

All are invited to take part, regardless of professional status. As with other events of this kind, participants and spectators will be required to pay for themselves; registration fees and other costs, however, will be kept as low as possible.


Submissions are invited on any subject related to opera and other forms of music theatre, including history, dramaturgy, libretto studies, philology, genesis, reception, voice studies, performer studies, performance practice, interpretation, the relationship between opera and society, between opera and other arts, opera and media, opera on film, and so on. Preference will be given to proposals that explore issues, rather than simply offering descriptive accounts.

– full name

– country and institution

– e-mail address

– paper title

– abstract in no more than 350 words

Abstracts should include all information necessary to allow the Programme Committee to evaluate the argument, research findings and originality of the proposal, as well as its potential as a conference paper. Following acceptance, there will be an opportunity to change abstracts for publication in the conference programme.

Proposals should be submitted as attachments by email to:, by 31 October 2016. Everyone submitting a proposal will be sent a confirmation email; if this has not been received within five days, please resend the proposal.

All abstracts will be anonymized before being seen by the Programme Committee; you are requested not to include in your abstract any information that could reveal your identity (such as “As I have shown in my earlier article…”).

All those who have submitted a proposal will be notified of the outcome by 20 December 2016.


The costs of the conference are funded directly by the participants (speakers and those attending). The exact registration fee will therefore depend on the number of participants, and will be confirmed along with the notification of papers accepted; it will, however, be no more than €100, and will include three buffet lunches.

Universität Bern
Institut für Musikwissenschaft
Hallerstrasse 5
CH-3012 Bern
Tel. (Büro): +41 (0) 31 / 631 4717

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Samedi 4 Juin, 2016 1:39