5th International scientific Meeting for Sound and musical instrument Studies musicologie 840 musicologie

5th International scientific Meeting for Sound and musical instrument Studies

28-31 octobre 2016, Tomar

Tomar-Abrantes-Constância-Torres novas exhibition – encontroim, animusic portugal

We look forward to scholars and artists joining us from the various disciplines touching Organology, and whose interests navigate through the very different forms of music and sound creativity.

Call for Papers : submissions until the 31st of july (proposals welcome: congressorg2016.animusic -at- gmail.com)

The programme structure is available on the website, as well as the program for a post-congress unique visit to various collections in Italy (Bologna, Pisa, Firenze, etc.). More detailed information about the CfP, travel, lodging tips, and much more, you may find at our special congress website: link[2]   or at our general ANIMUSIC site: www.animusic-portugal.org

For other information please contact: animusic.portugal -at- gmail.com

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Mercredi 26 Juin, 2024