bandeau texte musicologievendredi 53 mars (22 avril) 2016

What We Talk About When We Talk About New Music

17-18 septembre 2016, Amherst (É-U)

September 17-18, 2016

University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Deadline: June 3, 2016
Keynote speaker: Anne C. Shreffler (Harvard University)

Much like “classical music,” the term “new music” is ambiguous, in that its uses go far beyond a particular temporal, stylistic, or aesthetic frame. Deployed in art music circles to describe everything from Schoenberg to Muhly, “new music” is furthermore often used interchangeably with terms like “contemporary music” and “modern music.”

This conference seeks a range of answers to the question: what do we talk about when we talk about new music? It will address the idea of “new music” as a periodization, as a market genre, as a stylistic marker, and as an aesthetic alliance, considering the contradictions of its uses without seeking to resolve them. It also seeks to shed light on the complex relationships between new music, broadly defined, and the so-called canon or standard repertoire, asking among other things, what happens to “new music” when it transitions to canonic or repertory status.

This conference works toward several related goals. It will continue building a community of scholars interested in the wide array of concerns that fall under the “new music” rubric. It will also suggest some potential research directions and articulate emerging trends in the study of new music. Finally, almost two decades into the twenty-first century, it seems timely to attempt to individuate the study of new music from its historical and discursive moorings in the twentieth century.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

Theoretical frames (modernity, postmodernity, capitalism)

New music and pedagogy


Economics and economies

Nomenclature; the meaning of “new music” outside of art music

Performance practice


Methodologies in new music research

Ideologies of composition

New music and the politics of resistance

Please send 300-word abstracts (for 20 minute papers) by June 3 to conference conveners Marianna Ritchey and Andrea Moore, at mritchey -at- and amoray -at- We will notify no later than June 30, 2016.

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Mardi 22 Novembre, 2022
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06 06 61 73 41

ISSN  2269-9910

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Samedi 23 Avril, 2016 3:29