bandeau texte musicologievendredi 5 août 2016

A Great Divide or a Longer Nineteenth Century? Music, Britain and the First World War

21 janvier 2017, Durham University, UK 

Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies One-Day Conference

CFP Deadline: 1 September 2016

Conference Website

Call for Papers

Paul Fussell in The Great War and Modern Memory (1975) argues the cataclysm of the First World War evinced a rupture with traditional artistic forms and constructions of memory. In his “Modern” post-1914 Britain, disorientation, alienation, and irony became the dominant modes of representation. In contrast, Jay Winter, in Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History (1995), argues historical inquiry into the responses to the First World War have over-emphasized the progressive, Modernist responses, and in the process have ignored the traditional motifs in the myriad of responses to the war. He writes ‘this vigorous mining of eighteenth and nineteenth-century images and metaphors to accommodate expressions of mourning is one central reason why it is unacceptable to see the Great War as the moment when “modern memory” replaced something else, something timeworn and discredited, which (following contemporaries) I have called “tradition.”  These two influential viewpoints have structured much of the discourse on the First World War coming from literature and history in the last several decades; they however have received little attention within music.

This conference aims to bring to music this crucial framework for understanding artistic and cultural responses to the First World War. We seek papers that explore these themes of rupture/ disillusionment and “mining of nineteenth-century” modes of representation/ tradition within the context of musical life throughout the British Empire. Participants from a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives that engage with music are particularly welcome.

For suggested topics and abstract submission information, please see the conference website or send inquiries to michelle.meinhart -at-  

Michelle Meinhart, Ph.D.
Fulbright Scholar, 2016-7
Department of Music
Durham University, UK 
Assistant Professor of Music
Martin Methodist College
Tennessee, USA

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Vendredi 5 Août, 2016 23:09