bandeau texte musicologielundi 56 mars (25 avril) 2016

Conference on the History of Music in Valencia

13-15 octobre 2016, Valencia
Deadline: 30 June 2016
Valencia, Facultad de Geografía e Historia

The conference aims to promote an idea of the history of music in Valencia avoiding its reduction either to a pale reflection of a general history — identified in the canon of major composers — or to a manifestation of a radical cultural otherness.

With regard to contents, the conference will move within the coordinates of structural history, leaving in the background thematic or chronological criteria: there will be four sessions, respectively devoted to Applied Musicology, Historiography, Institutional History and Biography/Prosopography, and preceded by an inaugural introductory and methodological lecture.

Reflections on historiographical traditions and methodology will foster a debate on the recognition of the intersection between development of institutions and vicissitudes of individuals as a crucial point of music-historical becoming. This view is in accord with a historiography that—reconstructing processes, understanding products and relationships—approaches music as a practice that, originating in the past, reaches the present, while founding on interpretation one of the possible ways of understanding music: a perspective that should materialize the encounter between musicologists and performers.

Further description and full CFP in Valencian, Spanish, Italian, and English:

Scientific Committee : Dinko Fabris - President of the International Musicological Society; Juan José Carreras - Universidad de Zaragoza ; Tess Knighton - Clare College, Cambridge/CSIC - Institució Milà i Fontanals, Barcelona ; Álvaro Torrente - Universidad Complutense de Madrid ; Cristina Urchueguía - Universität Bern

Coordinators ; Andrea Bombi, Ferran Escrivà-Llorca

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Mardi 26 Avril, 2016 2:53