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Fifth Annual Meeting of the Historical Keyboard Society of North America (HKSNA)

20-23 mars 2016, Oberlin (USA:Ohio)
Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Ohio

The Historical Keyboard Society of North America (HKSNA) will hold its Fifth Annual Meeting, coinciding with the Eighth Mae & Irving Jurow International Harpsichord Competition, at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Oberlin College, Ohio, U.S.A., March 20-23, 2016. The conference, entitled “The Compleat Keyboardist: harpsichord, fortepiano, organ, clavichord, continuo” hopes to inspire us with the variety of instruments played by our forefathers and foremothers.

Morning and afternoon events will include papers, lecture-recitals, mini-recitals, and an exhibition of publications, recordings, and contemporary instrument makers' work. Evening events will include a concert by Oberlin faculty and friends (March 20), as well as harpsichord recitals by Jurow competition judges Jane Chapman, Hank Knox, and Catalina Vicens (March 21 and 22). The Finals of the Jurow International Harpsichord Competition will be held on March 23.

For complete conference and registration information, visit * EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ENDS MARCH 10, 2016!

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ISNN 2269-9910.

Mercredi 9 Décembre, 2020
