musicologie 840 musicologie

Flow in Performance : The Dalcroze Society of America 2016

20-24 juin 2016, Princeton

Deadline for submission: February 29, midnight (EST)
Notification of selection: April 1
Pre-Conference Symposium dates: June 20 & 21 (Conference: June 22-24)
Westminster Choir College of Rider University, Princeton NJ

The Dalcroze Society of America welcomes research papers that consider the topic Flow in Performance. We are eager to explore flow from the multiple vantage points afforded by any scholarly disciplines involved in an exploration of human performance. Help us bring the hidden assumptions and unspoken working principles operating behind flow to light, so as to advance the teaching and learning of music, dance, mime, acting, storytelling, and other performing arts, as well as other areas, such as sports and martial arts, where flow is critical to human performance.

A limited number of thirty-minute time slots is now available for the presentation of research papers at the Pre-Conference Symposium. To submit a proposal, send an e mail with a 250-word abstract as an attached MS Word document absent any references to authorship. In the body of the e mail, include the title of the paper, the author's name(s), and current contact information, a separate biography of no more than one hundred words, and a list of equipment needs and specifications. Include a statement of research conclusions, a clear description of methodology, and list of relevant sources.

Papers accepted for the Pre-Conference Symposium will also be given prime consideration for publication in American Dalcroze Journal. The DSA will publish a double issue of this periodical as a peer-reviewed and refereed journal in January 2017.

All submissions will be eligible for the Dalcroze Studies Research Award, a $1,000 prize given to the paper that sheds critical light on, and enriches our understanding of the scientific basis for the premises, principles, and precepts on which Dalcroze teaching, learning, and performance stand.

Direct all inquiries to William R. Bauer, Ph.D., President, Dalcroze Society of America, at president -at-

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