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musicologiesamedi 22 octobre 2016


Fourth Biennial LSU Music Colloquium

20 mai 2017, Louisiana

CFP deadline 1 Feb 2017

The music theory and musicology faculties at the Louisiana State University (LSU) will host the fourth biennial Music Colloquium, which will take place at the College of Music & Dramatic Arts, Louisiana State University. We are welcoming proposals on any topic pertaining to the practice and pedagogy of musicology, music theory, and aural skills/musicianship, ethnomusicology, as well as lecture-demonstrations, to be presented in a 20-minute format with an additional 10 minutes for discussion. Multiple submissions will not be accepted.

Proposals should be sent by email only. The submission email should include:

• A 250-word proposal in .pdf format. As proposals will be read blind, your name should NOT be present anywhere in the file, filename, or file properties. Include the title of your proposal at the beginning of the .pdf file.

• In the body of the email include your name, paper title, institutional affiliation, email address, phone number, and any audio/visual needs. 

Send proposals to Dr. Daniel Shanahan <dshanahan -at-> by 5pm on Wednesday 1 February. Successful candidates will be notified by 15 February.

For further information, please contact Dr. Daniel Shanahan at the above email address. 

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Mardi 22 Novembre, 2022

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Dimanche 23 Octobre, 2016 2:52