bandeau texte musicologiemardi 6 septembre 2016

Gaspar van Weerbeke: Works and Contexts

Call for Papers

29 juin-1er juillet 2017, Salzburg
University of Salzburg
Deadline for the submission of proposals: 31 January 2017

Following the recent completion of the editorial work for the publication of the final volumes of Gaspar van Weerbeke's “Collected Works”, this conference aims to revitalize research on this long neglected Flemish composer. We are interested in papers which contextualize Gaspar and his work with that of his contemporaries at the Sforza court in Milan and in the Papal Chapel in Rome, including Josquin, Compère, and Gaffurius. Topics concerning Gaspar's life, analysis of his music, or source studies would also be welcome. The conference will also hold a reconstruction workshop for the songs attributed to “Gaspart” surviving uniquely in FlorC 2442. Keynote addresses will be given by Klaus Pietschmann and Fabrice Fitch.

More information, including a catalog of works and sources, may be found on the website of the editorial project, Those interested are welcome to request personal access to some of the currently unpublished editorial materials. We especially want to encourage young scholars to engage in research on Gaspar and his music.

Please send titles and abstracts for consideration to paul.kolb -at- Alternatively, let us know if you are interested in taking part in the reconstruction workshop or would like to be receive email updates about the conference. The conference language is English, and basic accommodation will be provided for all speakers.

We look forward to seeing you in Salzburg!

Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl
Agnese Pavanello
Paul Kolb

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Samedi 17 Septembre, 2016 23:44