bandeau texte musicologiedimanche 104 mars (12 juin) 2016

Hearing the Spectacular in the former Hainaut County : From the Reforms to the Revolutions

16-17 mars 2017, Louvain-la-Neuve

Call for communications
UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve

Setting up devices intended to stimulate the awareness and recognition of political, community and/or religious claims, the “culture of the spectacle” proves to be an important vector for social structuration. Spectacular phenomena are not confined to the theaters and spread far beyond the scene: they invade the streets, fairs, salons, churches, and so on. Yet, they are not only visible: in most of the cases they are also audible. Events such as processions, civic festivals, royal entries or theatrical representations are all necessarilycombined with sound.

Taking the former Hainaut county as a field of observation, the present study days aim to take advantage of the socio-economic features of this territory which strongly differ from those of the major urban centers usually taken into consideration. Loosely urbanized, largely dominated by a rural economy, the Hainaut is deprived of any institution (princely, episcopal, academic or judicial) that could give rise to great spectacular events. However, as a contact area between the French kingdom and the Southern Lower Countries, the county was situated at the crossroads of important traffic routes and was a strategic piece on the religious and geopolitical European chessboard. As such, it proves to be a territory where the spectacular is a fundamental issue that makes it possible to express the changes and resiliencies of its tumultuous history. More generally, its location at the margins of two political and cultural centers is an opportunity to examine the way the spectacular can be elaborated within a bordure culture.

In a chronological framework ranging from the 16th century Religious reforms to the 18th century political Revolutions, these study days will examine the aural dimension of the spectacular events in the ancient Hainaut County focusing on the following issues: 1) the sound of political spectacles; 2) the sound of community spectacles; 3) the sound of religious spectacles; 4) the sound of private spectacles.

The study days are part of the research project « Musiques en  Hainaut  –  XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles » led by the CERMUS (UCL) and are organized in collaboration with the federal project « La société du spectacle – la fête baroque entre Italie et anciens Pays-Bas, 1585- 1685 » (GEMCA, UCL; Transition, ULg). Proposals should be sent before November 28 at et

Organizing comity: Ralph Dekoninck, Fañch Thoraval, Brigitte Van Wymeersch.

Scientific comity: Marie-Alexis Colin (ULB), Manuel Couvreur (ULB), Ralph Dekoninck (UCL), Annick Delfosse (ULg), Caroline Heering (UCL), Fañch Thoraval (UCL), Brigitte Van Wymeersch (UCL).

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Lundi 13 Juin, 2016 2:08