bandeau texte musicologiesamedi 10 septembre 2016

International Association for the Study of Popular Music, US Branch, Annual Conference : "Gimme Shelter: Popular Music and Protection"

23-26 février 2017, Cleveland (ÉUA)

Deadline: October 25, 2016
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

For the complete CFP, please see

Our theme of popular music and protection draws heavily on the rich and topical conversations in academia surrounding the production of and need for safe spaces. We also encourage robust critiques of various shelters, such as intellectual property and other legal protections, archival practices and institutionalized protections (such as the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame), and collective claims to shelter. We seek to better understand how music has appealed for protective measures against precarious lives and vulnerable communities. And, we ask about the responses to these calls, specifically, in social, political, and institutional forms, including the music industry.

Papers may address one of the following interrelated subthemes, other issues regarding popular music and protection, or any other topic in the study of popular music. Papers focusing on Cleveland are especially welcome.

1. Social, Political, and Legal Protections

2. Popular Music and the Production of (Un)Safety

3. Archives, Preservation, and Education

4. Trauma, Memory, and Mourning

Please submit proposals via a single Word document [labeled: last name_first name.docx] to iaspmus2017 -at- by October 25, 2016. Individual presenters should submit a paper title, 250-word abstract, and author information including full name, institutional affiliation, email address, and a 50-word bio. Panel proposals, specifying either 90 minutes (three presenters) or 120 minutes (four), should include a 125-word overview and 250-word individual proposals (plus author information), or a 250-word overview and 50-word bios (plus names, affiliations, and email addresses) for roundtable discussions. Please indicate any audio, visual, or other needs for the presentation; each room will have sound, projector, and an RGB hookup. We also welcome unorthodox proposals that do not meet the above criteria, including ideas for workshops, film screenings, and other non-traditional formats. For more information about the conference, send email inquiries to Jessica Schwartz, program committee chair, at schwartz -at-  You will receive an email confirming receipt of your submission.

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Dimanche 11 Septembre, 2016 4:16