bandeau texte musicologielundi 11 avril 2016

International Chopinological Conferences : The lyric and the vocal element in instrumental music of the nineteenth century

16-18 septembre 2016
Call for Papers

Proposed Thematic Areas

Sources of lyrical instrumental works, the influence of vocal music in its various forms (common song, folk song, opera and related stage genres) on instrumental music

Settings of vocal music (quotation, variation, paraphrase, reminiscence)

The lyrical vocal works of the period and genres of instrumental music

Lyrical vocal works and the structure of instrumental music

Lyrical vocal and instrumental works from a social perspective (performance practice, significance in different centres, music making in the home)


Please submit proposed titles of papers and abstracts corresponding by 30 April 2016.

Abstracts, no more than 1800 characters in length, should contain the main hypothesis, information on the material analysed and the method employed, and also the research results.

The full programme of conferences will be presented by the organisers no later than 31 May 2016.

All those invited to participate in the conference will be obliged to submit full papers by 1 August 2016.

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Dimanche 17 Avril, 2016 16:40