musicologie 840 musicologie

vendredi 22 janvier 2016


Komitas and Medieval Culture International Conference

27-29 septembre 2016, Yerevan, Arménie

Komitas Museum-Institute is pleased to announce its upcoming Komitas and Medieval Culture international conference, to be held from 27-29 September 2016, venue in Komitas Museum-Institute in Yerevan, Armenia.

CFP deadline: 1 May 2016

Papers are accepted in the following sessions.

Komitas, his time, creative works, and activities.

Born in the Ottoman Empire, Komitas studied at the Gevorgian Seminary of Echmiadzin (Armenia) and in the Historical-Philosophical Faculty of Friedrich Wilhelm Royal University of Berlin (now Humboldt University). After returning to Echmiadzin, he worked as a composer, researcher, ethnomusicologist, performer and pedagogue. His investment in comparative musicology concerning mostly Eastern music and his compositional technique based on the Armenian traditional music are noteworthy. Papers on each of Komitas' activities are welcomed.

Medieval Music.

Research in medieval music was one of Komitas' most important activities. For many years he worked in this field presenting the results of his research through articles and lectures. Komitas deciphered the Armenian medieval neumatic notation system. This session of the conference will explore medieval music in general. Papers on different aspects of medieval music, including any country or nationality are welcomed.

Paper presentations should be about 20 minutes allowing 10 minutes for discussion. Working languages of the conference are Armenian and English, although papers in Russian, German and French will also be considered. Abstracts of about 300 words are to be sent by May 1st to the following e-mail: institute -at-

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paypal, 56 rue de la Fédération, 93100 Montreuil, ☎ 06 06 61 73 41.

ISNN 2269-9910.

Mercredi 9 Décembre, 2020



Vendredi 22 Janvier, 2016 23:48

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