bandeau texte musicologievendredi 8 avril 2016

Making Music in Film : XI. Symposium for Film Music Research

21-23 juillet 2016, Freiburg
Conference dates: July 21 – 23, 2016
Venue: Zentrum für Populäre Kultur und Musik, Freiburg, Germany

The XI. Symposium for Film Music Research hosted by the Deutsches Volksliedarchiv Freiburg and Kiel Society for Film Music Research will be dedicated to the filmic representation of musical performance.

Scenes and sequences that show film characters making music have always been essential attractions of cinema. What does it mean when characters break into song or start playing an instrument? Which topoi, conventions or stereotypes can we find across different musical and film genres? Which perspectives on the act of musical performance do films and TV formats offer? Addressing these and other questions, the conference centers on the analysis and interpretation of scenes that show music-making. Such scenes should be examined and discussed within narratological, aesthetic, stylistic, musicological, performance and gender contexts.

For the open part of the conference, we welcome submissions dealing with any aspect of music in film and particularly encourage younger scholars and PhD students to present their research.

Please submit an abstract (max. 300 words) for a 25 min presentation, and a short biography (max. 100 words) to filmmusik -at- (contacts: Tarek Krohn and Willem Strank).

Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2016
Further details
Conference languages: German and English.
56 rue de la Fédération
F - 93100 Montreuil
06 06 61 73 41

ISSN  2269-9910

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Samedi 9 Avril, 2016 3:53