musicologie 840 musicologie

Making Time in Music : an international conference

12-13 septembre 2026, Oxford
CFP Deadline: 15 Apr 2016
Decisions on proposals: Monday 9 May 2016
Faculty of Music, University of Oxford

The conference committee encourages submissions from scholars representing diverse disciplines whose interests lie in time, timing and timekeeping, and their construction by musicians. We welcome papers that address the subject from the following broad perspectives: the psychological/cognitive foundations of this human achievement, time and timing as part of specific cultural praxis, critical approaches to time and technology, the aesthetics of timing, and musical time's relationship to social being.

The following list of questions indicates some broad concerns of the conference but is suggestive rather than prescriptive.

- How is the time of music implicated in social being and sociability? In what ways does the social penetrate the temporality of music?

- Can we speak of cultures of time in music? How does the relatively tacit feel for time amongst musicians connect with the discursive?

- What is the relationship between the relatively automatic capacity to be in time together and timekeeping as intentional and expressive?

- In what ways have technologies changed our relationship to time in music? Is temporality changed through developments in recording and digital technologies?

- What are the politics of musical time?

- What methods are available to us to address questions of temporality, music, the social and the psychological?

- How do we teach and learn about time in music?

Proposals of 250-300 words are invited for 20-minute spoken papers. These should be sent as a Word attachment to makingtime -at-, including: title, author, affiliation(s), email address for contact.

It is hoped that some papers from the conference will contribute to a volume, Making Time in Music, edited by Mark Doffman.

Conference committee: Mark Doffman, Jonna Vuoskoski, and Toby Young (all University of Oxford), and Emily Payne (University of Leeds).

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