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musicologiejeudi 29 septembre 2016


Music Encoding Conference 2017

16-17 mai 2017, Tours

Call for Proposals

The next Music Encoding Conference will be held 16-17 May 2017 (with pre-conference workshops on 15 May and an ‘un-conference' day on 18 May) in Tours, France, in cooperation with the Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance (CESR) based at the Université François-Rabelais Tours.

Music encoding is a critical component of the emerging fields of digital musicology, digital editions, symbolic music information retrieval, and others. At the centre of these fields, the Music Encoding Conference has emerged as an important cross-disciplinary venue for theorists, musicologists, librarians, and technologists to meet and discuss new advances in their fields. The Music Encoding Conference is the annual focal point for the Music Encoding Initiative community (, but members from all encoding and analysis communities are welcome to participate.

Proposals for papers, posters, panel discussions, and pre-conference workshops are encouraged. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

music encoding as a theoretical approach for research

methodologies for encoding, music editing, description and analysis

rendering of symbolic music data in audio and graphical forms

relationships between symbolic music data, encoded text, and facsimile images

capture, interchange, and re-purposing of music data and metadata

music encoding and symbolic music information retrieval

ontologies, authority files, and linked data in music encoding and description

additional topics relevant to music encoding, editing, and description 

Authors are invited to upload their submission for review to our Conftool website. The deadline for all submissions is 4 November 2016 (midnight UK time).

Full details of the Call for Papers.

If you have any questions, please e-mail conference2017 -at-

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Vendredi 30 Septembre, 2016 1:32