bandeau texte musicologiemardi 6 septembre 2016

Musicology applied to the Concert : Performance Studies at Work

1er-3 décembre 2016, Baeza
International University of Andalusia
“Antonio Machado” Campus, Baeza, Jaen (Spain)
CFP deadline: 12 Sep 2016

Performance studies are encouraging a massive turning point in musicology. To such an extent that many scholars are claiming to rethink a fundamental premise of the discipline, namely the change of a traditional orientation of music as text to a recent one of music as performance. This perspectivetakes then performance as the object of study and the concert as the privileged space where it takes place. This conceptual change challenges established methodologies and scholarly practices, while bringing together more easily musicologists and musicians. This International Conference aims to impulse the recent debate promoted by performance studies within Iberian musicology. It will consist of a series of keynote presentations, experimental lab-concerts, selected papers and practical workshops.

Guest participants

• Keynote speakers:
John Sloboda, Pablo L. Rodríguez, Aaron Williamon, Miguel Angel Marin

• Lab-concerts: Ensemble Armonia Concertada (Switzerland/Spain), Capella Prolationum & Ensemble La Danserye (Spain) (16th- and 17th- century music)

• Workshops: Conjunto Ars Longa de La Habana (Cuba) & Albert Nieto (Spain) (18th-, 19th- and 20th- century music)


Proposals for 20-minutes papers or workshops are welcome. Potential topics

• Creative experimentation
• Analysis and performance
• Historically Informed Performance (HIP)
• Embodiment
• History of performance
• Discology and recording practices
• Gestural meaning in performance
• Composer-performer collaborations
• From score to performance
• Performance philosophies
• Improvisation and arrangements
• Concert programming
• Creative role of listeners

- Deadline for submission: 12 September 2016

- Deadline for notification of selected proposals: 22 September 2016

- Official languages: English and Spanish

For more information, please contact Ana Lombardía: ana.lombardia3 at, and see

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Jeudi 8 Septembre, 2016 2:35