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musicologiesamedi 22 octobre 2016


North American Victorian Studies Association Annual Meeting, Banff 2017

16-18 novembre 2017, Banff (Canada)

The 2017 NAVSA annual conference will be held from November 16-18 in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada, at the Banff Centre for the Arts. Established in 1885, Banff National Park is Canada's first national park and encompasses 6,641 km2 of jaw-dropping mountain landscapes, pristine wilderness, and abundant wildlife.  A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Banff is easily accessible and chock-full of exciting activities and cultural events.

The Conference Committee invites proposals for papers, panels, and special sessions on the theme of “Victorian Preserves.” What did the Victorians preserve, transform or conserve? How were spaces & objects, forms, energy & capital, practices and lives, set aside for regulation, exploitation, study, emulation, or posterity and why? Keynote speakers include Coll Thrush from the University of British Columbia on “Indigenous London,” and Elizabeth Carolyn Miller from University of California, Davis on “extraction ecology.”

Proposals are invited in all areas related to Victorian studies, including music. The deadline for paper and panel submissions is January 8, 2017. For individual papers, submit 250-word paper proposals, along with a one-page CV. For entire panels, submit the above for each paper, as well as a one-page summary of the panel. For further information, including the full Call for Papers and details on how and where to submit proposals, can be found at, where an electronic submission portal will be available shortly.

The North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA) was established in 2002 to provide a continental forum for the discussion of the Victorian period. For further information, see

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Mardi 22 Novembre, 2022

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Dimanche 23 Octobre, 2016 3:21