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musicologiejeudi 29 septembre 2016


Performing Indeterminacy: An International Conference

30 juin-2 juillet 2017, Leeds

School of Music, University of Leeds

With invited contributions from : Catherine Laws (Pianist and Senior Lecturer, University of York) ; Benjamin Piekut (Associate Professor, Cornell University) ; Christian Wolff (Composer, Professor of Music and Classics, Emeritus, Dartmouth College)

We invite submissions that address a wide variety of topics, methodologies, and questions, including (but not limited to):

Histories: what is the role of performance and/or performers in the histories of experimental musics?

Praxis: is it possible to speak of an indeterminate 'performance practice'? Where do the exceptions and inconsistencies lie?

Analysis: (how) can the performance of indeterminate music be analysed in ways appropriate to its particular modalities?

Notation: what are the relationships between indeterminate notation and performance?

Socialities: in what ways does indeterminate music organise collective musical experience?

Pedagogies: how do we teach and learn about the performance of indeterminate music?

Indeterminacy outside experimental music: how is indeterminacy in performance manifest more widely?

Technologies: (in what ways) have technologies changed our relationship to indeterminacy in music?

Proposals are invited for:

Spoken papers (20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of questions)

Lecture-recitals (35 minutes followed by 10 minutes of questions)

Performances of relevant works to be presented in a concert

Proposals of 250-300 words should be sent as a Word attachment to performingindeterminacy -at-, should clearly indicate whether they are for a spoken paper, lecture recital, or performance, and must include the following: title, author(s), affiliation(s) (if any), email address for contact, and technical requirements. The deadline for proposals is Friday 2 December 2016 at midday (GMT).

See for more information.

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Vendredi 30 Septembre, 2016 1:37