musicologie 840 musicologie

mercredi 27 janvier 2016


Shifts and Turns: Moving Music, Musicians and Ideas : 39th National Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia


30 novembre-3 décembre 2016, Adelaïde

CFP deadline:  22 April 2016

Elder Conservatorium of Music, the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia

In 2016, the MSA Conference invites us to reflect on recent changes in our environment and how we are dealing with them. Our conference theme, Shifts and Turns: Moving Music, Musicians and Ideas, looks in several directions, back into our shared heritage, outwards to the cultures of our region and forwards to uncertain our future. The conference suggests consideration of a number of issues facing each of us. These include live performance, mediated and hybrid forms of music, the role of music and musicology in the community (through festivals, conferences and other events), the dissemination of music (public interface, broadcasting, music commentary and criticism), publishing and promotion, the roles of archives and music administration, issue-based policy and lobby groups, and interdisciplinary approaches to music research.

The Conference looks to expand its theme into specific strands, such as:

While the main strands of the conference focus on changes in musical practices and research, the conference organisers invite proposals for papers and panels relating to all other topics of interest to MSA members.

We welcome papers of 20 minutes duration (plus 10 minutes for discussion). Abstracts of up to 250 words should be sent via email to:

Members are also invited to submit proposals for panel presentations of up to 90 minutes duration. Please submit a 250-word proposal for the overall panel and separate 250-word abstract for each presenter's paper.

The submission deadline is 22 April 2016. Notification of acceptance will be sent via email by 24 June, 2016. Requests for early acceptance will be considered and should be made at the time of abstract submission.

The Musicological Society of Australia's 2016 National Conference webpages are now available and registrations for the Conference are now open

Follow the links to peruse the features of the 30 Nov-3 Dec Conference and the 4 Dec special post-Conference event. Take advantage of the early-bird rates by registering by 1 October. The first 20 registrants who express an interest in attending the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra concert on 3 December will receive a free ticket for that event.

We look forward to seeing you at the Conference in Adelaide.
56 rue de la Fédération
F - 93100 Montreuil
06 06 61 73 41

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