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musicologiejeudi 6 octobre 2016


Sounding Out the Space: An International Conference on the Spatiality of Sound

2-4 novembre 2017, Dublin

Deadline for submissions is 31 March 2017. Applicants will receive notification as to whether their proposal has been accepted by early May 2017.

Conference website:
Email: soundingout2017 -at-

Location: Dublin School of Creative Arts, Dublin Institute of Technology, Grangegorman Campus

Keynote Speakers: Brandon LaBelle – artist, writer and theorist Bill Fontana – American artist and composer

Sound is an inherently spatial phenomenon. No matter what its point of origin, be it a musical instrument, a voice, an audio speaker, or another sound-producing entity, sound must navigate space before reaching our ears. On this journey it enters into a complex relational dynamic with the surrounding environment: it may be amplified, distorted, reverberated, dissipated and subject to a multitude of transformations which modify it in different ways. While this dynamic is an intrinsic part of any sonic event, certain artistic endeavours have sought to exploit this spatial aspect of sound as a distinct parameter in its own right. Though spatial experiments have a long history in western music stretching back centuries, the search for novel means of expression in the twentieth century led to an unprecedented investigation into the spatiality of sound as an integral component of the work. In the discipline of sound art, auditory dialogues with the surrounding space have been the defining feature of sound installations while recent innovations in communication and digital technologies have created virtual networks, redefining our conception of space and presenting new possibilities for music, sound art and visual art.

Although substantial research on the spatiality of sound has been carried out within the disciplines of musicology, sound art, and visual art studies, much of this work has remained separate, enclosed within these specialised fields of research. This conference aims to address this imbalance, acknowledging the fluid exchange of ideas between these spheres in actual practice and fostering an interdisciplinary spirit amongst researchers and practitioners. The conference committee thus invites presentations from sound artists, visual artists, composers, academics, and post-graduate researchers which consider the spatiality of sound in all its diverse forms.

Dr Adrian Smith,
Conference Chair,
Lecturer in Musicology,
DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama.

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Vendredi 7 Octobre, 2016 3:43