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musicologiesamedi 29 octobre 2016


The Italian Violin Tradition 1650-1850

6-8 avril 2017, Faenza

Faenza, Ridotto del Teatro Masini

Organized by Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini (Lucca), in collaboration with Ad Parnassum Journal, Locatelli Italian National Edition, Ensemble Symposium 

This conference aims to investigate the characteristics of the Italian violin tradition, alongside the figure and work of Tommaso Paolo Alberghi. The scientific committee welcome proposals addressing the themes listed below, although other, related topics are also welcome:

• The geographical expanse of the Italian violin tradition

• Violin ornamentation

• Violin improvisation and the bravura tradition     

• The Italian violin tradition in contemporary treatises

• The Italian violin tradition in Europe

• The relationship between publishers and violinists/composers

• Tartini and the “School of Nations”

• Tommaso Paolo Alberghi (1716-1785): his life and work


Programme Committee: Roberto Illiano, Lucca, Simone Laghi, Cardiff, UK, Fulvia Morabito, Lucca, Luca Lévi Sala, New York, NY, Massimiliano Sala, Bergamo, Rohan H. Stewart-MacDonald, Warwickshire, UK

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Luca Aversano (Università di Roma Tre), Prof. Sergio Durante (Università degli Studi di Padova/Presidente dell'Edizione Nazionale Locatelli)

The official languages of the conference are English, French and Italian. Papers selected at the conference will be published in a miscellaneous volume. 

Papers are limited to twenty minutes in length, allowing time for questions and discussion. Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words and one page of biography. 

With your proposal please include your name, contact details (postal address, e-mail and telephone number) and (if applicable) your affiliation.

The committee will make its final decision on the abstracts by the end of May 2016, and contributors will be informed immediately thereafter. Further information about the programme, registration, travel and accommodation will be announced after that date. 

For any additional information, please contact: 

Dr. Massimiliano Sala 
conferences -at

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Dimanche 30 Octobre, 2016 2:06