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musicologiedimanche 23 octobre 2016


Third International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation

25-26 mai 2017, Coruña,

Universidade da Coruña

This conference is dedicated to issues in theoretical and applied research and development in Music Notation and Representation, with a strong focus on computer tools and applications, as well as a tight connection to music creation. Until very recently, the support provided by the computer music to the field of symbolic notation remained fairly conventional. However, recent developments indicate that the field of tools for musical notation is now moving towards new forms of representation. Moreover, musical notation, transcription, sonic visualisation, and musical representation are often associated in the fields of musical analysis, ethnology, and acoustics. The aim of this conference is to explore all of recent mutations of notation and representation in all domains of music.

Highlight topics

• Vocal music: Technologies for the notation of musical creation for the voice
• Technologies for the transcription and notation of Ancient Music Chant
• Technologies for the transcription and notation of traditional music
• Notation in electronic and electroacoustic music
• Notation for multimedia and mixed arts
• Innovative computer applications for music notation
• Languages for music notation
• Exchange formats for music notation
• Analysis of contemporary notations
• Ontology of the notation of interactive music
• Data mining, music notation corpus, databases
• Sound visualization
• Non-western or ancient music transnotation
• Representation and transcription in acoustic ecology and sound landscape

Submission procedure

The deadline for receipt of papers is Sunday, 13 November 2016 midnight GMT.

Notification of acceptance will be emailed to applicants by 19 January 2017.

Presenters whose papers are chosen will be invited to submit their revised papers by 19 February 2017.

The conference language is English.

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Lundi 24 Octobre, 2016 4:08