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musicologiesamedi 29 octobre 2016


When Jazz Meets Cinema


5-7 mai 2017, Lovere

Lovere (BG), Auditorium di Villa Milesi

organized by Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini (Lucca)

This international conference aims at studying the longstanding relationship between jazz and cinema in its many facets and perspectives, and paper proposals are welcome from both film and music scholars. Some of the topics of investigation are the following (but are not limited to these):    

• Music for films by Jazz musicians

• Jazz Soundtracks and Composers

• Films inspired to Jazz World

• Films on Jazz Musicians

• Films featuring Jazz performances

• Jazz Musicians as actors

• ‘Jazz' sounds before and after The Jazz Singer (1927)

• The role of film industry and the constructing of a jazz mythology 

• Jazz and Cinema interchanges

• Narrative techniques and Jazz Film Scores

• Gender and Sociological Issues       

• Race and Class Issues       

• Jazz, cinema and record industry in synergy

• Jazz as a symbol of America in non-American cinemas

• Jazz and cinema outside the U.S.A.

Programme Committee: 

• Emilio Audissino, Southampton; • Roberto Illiano, Lucca; • Fulvia Morabito, Lucca; • Massimiliano Sala, Bergamo; • Emile Wennekes, Utrecht

Keynote Speaker : Prof. Emilio Audissino (University of Southampton) ; Prof. Emile Wennekes (Utrecht University).

The official languages of the conference are English, French and Italian. Papers selected at the conference will be published in a miscellaneous volume. 

Papers are limited to twenty minutes in length, allowing time for questions and discussion. Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words and one page of biography. 

For any additional information, please contact: 

Dr. Massimiliano Sala 
conferences -at-

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Dimanche 30 Octobre, 2016 2:58