bandeau_actu musicologie

dimanche 27 décembre 2020

Ludo2021: Conference on Video Game Music and Sound

23–25 April, 2021, London

The Ludomusicology Research Group is pleased to announce the Ludo2021 Tenth European Conference on Video Game Music and Sound.

We are currently accepting proposals for research presentations.

We welcome proposals on all aspects of sound and music in games.

This year, we are particularly interested in papers that support the conference theme of ‘Where in the world is video game music? Geographies, Cultures, and Regions of Game Music’. Papers on this topic may include:

Presentations should last twenty minutes and will be followed by questions. Please submit your paper proposal (c.250 words) with a short provisional bibliography by email to by January 8th 2021. We aim to communicate the programme decisions by January 22nd 2021. If you require more information, please email the organizers.

We encourage practitioners and composers to submit proposals for showcasing practice as research, bearing in mind the limits and possibilities of an online environment.

There will be no charges for attendees or presenters.

Download and share our Call for Papers!

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Hillegonda Rietveld, Professor of Sonic Culture at London South Bank University, musician and electronic music specialist, co-editor of the special issue ‘Hear the Music, Play the Game’ of G/A/M/E: The Italian Journal of Game Studies.; Markus Zierhofer, composer of The Wagadu Chroniclesand founder of AudioCreatures

Organized by: Melanie Fritsch, Michiel Kamp, Tim Summers and Mark Sweeney


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ISNN 2269-9910


Dimanche 27 Décembre, 2020