
lundi 24 mai 2021

International Forum «New Music»

21 mai-2 juin 2021, Saint-Pétersbourg

The Saint Petersburg Contemporary Music Center invites you to take part in the international forum “New Music” within the frame of VIII St. Petersburg International New Music Festival. It will be held online and offline in Russian and English. The forum will discuss topics related to copyright, funding and the presence of new music on stage and screen. Musicians and directors, managers and critics, international foundations and government agencies, concert halls and theaters, patrons and commercial companies are invited to participate.

The forum will highlight aspects of the presence of new music on stage and screen: in drama and opera performances, cinema and animation, museum exposition and public spaces. Anyone can take part in the forum: composers and musicologists, directors and art critics, cultural managers and journalists – those who are interested in the development of contemporary music.

One of the forum topics is the role of new music in visual, auditory, situational formats and related art forms. We are planning to review the following aspects:

– the work of a composer in theater and cinema: methods, role, interaction experience;

– the perception of modern music in theater, cinema, animation, museum spaces, etc.;

– the development of new spaces: ways of interaction and development of different forms;

– complex experiments: the experience of musical programs creation (the coexistence of classics and modernity in concert programs), experimental experience in search of a new language, etc.

The second direction of the forum is the functioning of non-profit organizations and interaction with commercial structures, charitable foundations and government programs for the sake of supporting contemporary music and art. The forum will consider successful experiences of interaction with business, strategies for corporate and social responsibility of business, types of joint projects. Parallel line – new music festivals, challenges and requirements of the time, conditions of organization, interaction with sponsors.

The third area is the issue of copyright, protection and restrictions, rights and obligations. The following aspects will be considered at the forum and round table:

1. Copyright societies – rules, regulations, types of work in terms of new music.

2. Online events and broadcasts: how to protect the group of authors and the organizer of the event from unplanned expenses.

3. Copyright: from creative to legal. Questions of interaction with the author’s society and aspects of interaction between the author and the publisher and manager of cultural projects.

4. Online and offline: World changes.

Thus, everyone who wants to take part in the forum program, please send

1. Abstracts for the presentation (about 150 words) indicating the direction of the forum,

2. A good resolution photograph (approx. 1MB),

3. Brief biography (approx. 100 words)

Due to the uncertainty of the epidemiological situation, the conference will be held in two formats: online and offline. Clarifications on the format of the event will be sent to the participants in the spring of 2021.

Applications for participation must be sent by February 28, 2021

For questions and requests, please contact the curator of the Forum – Lidia Ader at

About the Festival

The annual St. Petersburg International New Music Festival is among the main projects through which pursue its mission. The largest festival of new music in Russia takes place at the end of May during a period of famous White Nights in distinguished venues around the city, including the Mariinsky Theatre Concert Hall, the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, New Holland, the St. Petersburg State Conservatory and others.

The festival is presented by world-famous musicians and well-known ensembles, both classical and experimental ones, specializing in the new music performance. The Festival covers various areas of contemporary academic music – experimental, electro-acoustic, electronic music, multimedia projects, free improvisation and others.

The festival program has numerous educational highlights: master classes, pre-rehearsal talks, scientific conference, composition course, presentations, educational lectures, training lab for music critics, workshops and reading sessions with soloists and several ensembles.

The festival is supported by the Government of St. Petersburg, the Committee for Culture

Petersburg, the Swiss Council for Culture Pro Helvetia, The French Institute, the Swiss Embassy in Russia, The Swiss Consulate General in St. Petersburg, The German Consulate General in St. Petersburg, The Consulate General of the Kingdom of Belgium in St. Petersburg, The Polish Institute in St. Petersburg.

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Lundi 24 Mai, 2021