Playford John
Né à Norwich en 1623, mort à Londres entre le 24 décembre 1686 et le 7 février 1687.
Éditeur de musique. Il suit des études à l'école de la cathédrale de Norwich (?). Son père meurt le 22 mars 1639. Entre 1640 et 1647, il est en apprentissage chez John Benson, un imprimeur londonien. En 1647, il fonde son propre office. Il imprime dans un premier temps, des libelles politiques en faveur des royalistes. En novembre 1649, un avis d'arrêt est prononcé à son égard. Son activité est de nouveau attestée fin 1650, avec l'enregistrement avant publication d'un livre intitulé « The English Dancing Master »
En 1653, il est clerc au « Temple Church ». Il épouse Hannah Allen, fille de
l'éditeur établi à Cornhill, Benjamin Allen. Après sa mort, en 1655, le couple
hérite et s'installe à la proximité du temple d'Islington. Annah y fonde une école pour filles, qu'elle dirige jusqu'à sa mort en 1679.
Son entreprise est florissante, grâce notamment à la vente des livres de psaumes et d'almanachs. Il semble avoir bénéficié de hautes protections.
En 1679, après le décès de son épouse, il achète une maison dans Arundel Street à Londres, où il s'installe. Il se retire des affaires en 1684, au profit de son fils Henry.
Il est aussi ecclésiastique et vicaire des chœurs de la Cathédrale Saint-Paul. Son traité est celui de Campion, annoté par Christopher Simpson (dont il édite The Division Violist).
Voir : Locke M. (1622-1677) ; Simpson C. (1610-1669) ; Campion T. (1567-1620) ; Salmon T. (1648-1706)
Écrits relatifs à la musique
A breefe introduction to the skill of musick for song and violl by J. P.
- London, John Playford 1654 (2 exemplaires conservés)
- London, John Playford 1655 [An introduction to the skill of musick in two books, first a brief and plain introduction to musick both for singing, and for playing on the viol by J. P., second the art of setting or composing of musick in parts, by a most familiar and easie rule of counterpoint. Formerly published by Dr- Tho. Campion but now reprinted with large annotations, by Mr. ChriStoph. Simpson and other additions] (1 exemplaire conservé)
- London, W. Godbid for J. Playford 1658 [In two books. The first contains the grounds and rules of musick. The second, instructions for the viol and also the treble violin] (5 exemplaires conservés)
- London, W. Godbid for John Playford 1660 [The third edition enlarged To which is added a third book, entituled, the art of descant or composing musick in parts, by Dr. Thomas Campion] (5 exemplaires conservés)
- London,
for John Playford 1662 (7 exemplaires conservés)
- London, William Godbid for John Playford 1664 [The fourth edition much enlarged]
(12 exemplaires conservés)
- London, William Godbid for John Playford 1666 (5 exemplaires conservés)
- London, William Godbid for John Playford 1667 (9 exemplaires conservés)
- London, William Godbidfor John Playford 1670 (8 exemplaires conservés)
- London, William Godbid for John Playford 1672
[The 6th edition corrected and enlarged] (11 exemplaires
- London, William Godbid for John Playford 1674 [The 7th edition]
(21 exemplaires conservés)
- London, A. Godbid for John Playford the younger [The 8th edition carefully corrected] 1679 (14 exemplaires conservés)
- London, A. Godbid and John Playford 1683 [The 10th edition corrected and enlarged] (10 exemplaires conservés)
- London, Charles Peregrne for Henry Playford 1687 [The 11th edition] (21 exemplaires conservés)
- London, E. Jones for Henry Playford 1694 [The 12th edition correeted and amended by Mr. H. Purcell] (10 exemplaires conservés)
- London, E. Jones for Henry Playford 1697 [The 13th edition]
(18 exemplaires conservés)
- London, William Pearson for Henry Playford 1700 [The 14th edition correeted and enlarged] (13 exemplaires conservés)
- London, William Pearson for Henry Playford 1703 [The
15th edition correeted and done on the new ty'd-note]
(16 exemplaires conservés)
- London, W. Pearson for John Sprint 1713 [The
16th edition] (11 exemplaires conservés)
- London, William Peanon for John Sprint & Benj. Sprint 1718 [The l7th edition] (8
exemplaires conservés)
- London, John & Benjamin Sprint 1724 [The 18th edition] (11 exemplaires conservés)
- London, W. Pearson for Benjamin Sprint 1730 [The l9th edition] (17 exemplaires conservés)
- A : Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
- B : Bruxelles, Bibliothèque du conservatoire royal de musique - Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale
- C : Toronto, Royal Conservatory of music - Vancouver, University of British Columbia
- CH : Zürich, Bibliothek des Musikwissenschaftlichen Seminars
- D : Berlin, Musikwissenschaftlichen Institus der Humboldt-Univ. - Berlin, Staatsbibliothek
Preußischer Kulturbesitz - Heidelberg, Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität - Leipzig, Musik Bibliothek.
- DK : København, Det kongelige biblioteket
- EIR : Dublin, Marsh's Library - Dublin, National Library of Ireland - Dublin, Trinity College
- F : Paris, Bibliothèque nationale
- GB : Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales - Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum - Cambridge, Jesus College - Cambridge, King's College - Cambridge, Pembroke College - Cambridge, Pendlebury Library - Cambridge, St. John's College - Cambridge, Trinity College - Cambridge, University Library - Canterbury, Cathedral Library - Dundee, Public Library - Durham, Cathedral Library - Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland - Edinburgh, University Library
- Glasgow, Euing Musical library - Glasgow, Euing Musical library - Glasgow, Mitchell library - Leeds, Brotherton Collection - London, British Museum - London, Royal Academy of Music - London, Royal College of Music - Manchester, Public Library - Oxford, Bodleian Library - Oxford, Christ Church - Oxford, Univ. Faculty Library - Tenbury, St. Michael's College - Wells, Cathedral Library
- I : Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense
- NL : Amsterdam, Tookunst Bibl. - Den Haag, Gemeente Museum
- NZ : Wellington, Alexander Turnbull Library
- US : Ann Arbor, Mich., William L. Clements Library University of Michigan - Athens,
Ga., The University of Georgia - Austin, Tex., The University of Texas - Berkeley, Calif., Music Library University of California - Boston, Mass., Music Department, Boston Public Library - Buffalo, N. Y., Public Library (Grosvenor Référence Division, Buffalo and Erie County Public Library) - Cambridge, Mass., Houghton library, Harvard university - Chapel Hill, N.C., Music Library, University of North Carolina - Charlottesville, Va., Alderman Library, University of Virginia - Chicago, Ill. Newberry library - Chicago, Ill., University of
Chicago Library - Detroit, Mich., Wayne state University Library - Forth Worth, Tex., Mary Couts Burnett Library, Texas Chris-tian Univ. - Hardford, Conn., Watkinson, Trinity College - Iowa City, Ia., Music Library, State University of Iowa - Lawrence, Kans., University of
Kansas Library - Lexington, Ky., School of Music Library, University of Louisville - Los Angeles, Calif., William Andrewx Clark Memorial Library University of California
- Middletown, Conn., Olin Library, Wesleyan Univ. - Minneapolis, Minn., The University of Minnesota - New Haven, Conn., School of Music Library - New York, N. Y., Music Division, New York Public Library - New York, N.Y., Music Library, Columbia Univ. - Newark, N. J. Newark Museum - Northampton, Mass., Smith College library - Philadelphia, Pa., Historical Society of Pennsylvania Library - Philadelphia, Pa., Library Company of Philadelphia - Philadelphia, Pa., University of Pennsylvania Library - Pittsburgh, Pa., Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, Pa., University of Pittsburgh Library - Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Vassar College library - Princeton, N. J. Princeton University Library - Princeton, N. J., Princeton Theological Seminary, Speer Library - Richmond, Va., Virginia State Library - Rochester, N.Y., Sibley Music Library, Eastman School of Music - San Francisco, Calif., The Sutri Library - San Marino, Calif., Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery - Seattle, Wash., Music Mibrary, University of Washington - Stanford, Calif., Memorial Library of Music, Stanford University
- Stanford, Calif., Music Library, Stanford University - Urbana, Ill., University of Illinois Lirary - Washington, D.C., Folger Shakespeare Library - Washington, D.C., Music Division, Library of Congress - Winston-Salem, N. C., Moravian Music Foundation
Une Lettre à T. Salmon, dans : M. Locke, The present practice of musick vindicated against the exceptions and new way of attaining musick lately publish'd by Thomas Salmon [...] By Matthew Locke, to which is added duellum musicum by John philipps. Together with a letter from John Playford to Mr. T. Salmon by way of confutation of his essay
Éditions modernes
- BROWN SUSAN TARA, English Devotional Song as a Mirror of Seventeenth-Century Anglican-ism : A Thematic and Musical-Rhetorical Analysis of Henry Playford's Harmonia Sacra (thèse). Claremont graduate School 1995 [vii, 247 p., illus., mus., bibl., dir., Nancy van Deusen]
- CURTI MARTHA, John Playford's «Apollo's Banquet» 1669-1670 (thèse). Rutgers University 1977 [RILM 76:418dd]
- HUMPHRIES CHARLES & SMITH WILLIAM C., Music Publishing in the British Isles. London 1954; Oxford, Blackwell 1970
- KIDSON J., John Playford and 17th Century Music Publishing.
Dans « Musical Qarterly » (4) 1918, p. 524-525
- MEYER RAMON E., John Playford's An Introduction to the Skill of Musick (thèse). Florida State University 1961 [328 p.]
- NELSON RUSSELL C., John Playford and the English Amateur Musician (thèse). University of Iowa 1966 [ 2 v., xiv, 563 p.]
- SQUIRE W. BARCLAY, John Playford. Dans « Music and Letters » (4, 3) 1923, p. 262-65
- BROWN SUSAN TARA, English Devotional Song as a Mirror of Seventeenth-Century Anglican-ism : A Thematic and Musical-Rhetorical Analysis of Henry Playford's Harmonia Sacra (thèse). Claremont graduate School 1995 [vii, 247 p., illus., mus., bibl., dir., Nancy van Deusen]
- CURTI MARTHA, John Playford's «Apollo's Banquet» 1669-1670 (thèse). Rutgers University 1977 [RILM 76:418dd]
- HUMPHRIES CHARLES & SMITH WILLIAM C., Music Publishing in the British Isles. London 1954; Oxford, Blackwell 1970
- KIDSON J., John Playford and 17th Century Music Publishing.
Dans « Musical Qarterly » (4) 1918, p. 524-525
- MEYER RAMON E., John Playford's An Introduction to the Skill of Musick (thèse). Florida State University 1961 [328 p.]
- NELSON RUSSELL C., John Playford and the English Amateur Musician (thèse). University of Iowa 1966 [ 2 v., xiv, 563 p.]
- SQUIRE W. BARCLAY, John Playford. Dans « Music and Letters »
(4, 3) 1923, p. 262-65
Jean-Marc Warszawski
Novembre 1995 - 29 mai 2008
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