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Tans'ur William

Tans'ur William

[Tansur, le Tansur, Tanzer]

Né à Dunchurch (Warwickshire), vers 1700, baptisé 6 novembre 1706, mort à St Neots, 7 octobre 1783).

Il est le fils d'un ouvrier agricole, Edward Tanzer et de Joan Alibone (Alliband). Il a adopté le nom de tans'ur. On connaît les éléments de sa biographie par les préfaces de ses ouvrages.

Ses parents meurent en 1712.

Psalmodiste, il se déplace beaucoup en Angleterre pour enseigner sa spécialité, et parfois être engagé comme organiste.

Il se marie le 20 mai 1730 avec Elizabeth Butler. Ils s'intallent à Ewell près d'Epsom, dans le Surrey. Ils ont deux fils. L'un, nommé également William Tans'ur, est choriste au Trinity College de Cambridge, ce qui permet à son père de signer quelques-unes de ses préfaces « Université de Cambridge », mais en réalité il n'a aucun contact avec l'élite musicale. Son autre fils, David, meurt en 1743, il est inhumé à Market Harborough le 8 janvier.

Il finit par se fixer à St Neots, à quatre-vingts kilomètres au nord de Londres, comme libraire et professeur de musique.

Il publie en 1735 son premier recueil de psalmodies, A Compleat Melody, or The Harmony of Sion, comprenant des psaumes métriques, des hymnes et des anthems, de deux à quatre parties sans accompagnement, en grande partie de sa composition. Il utilise les textes, en les révisant, de Al such Psalmes of Dauid as Thomas Sternhold, late grome of the Kinges maiesties robes, did in his lyfetime drawe into English Metre, livre de psaumes mis en métrique anglaise par Thomas Sternhold (1500–1549), augmenté et publié à Cambridge par John Hopkins en 1549.

Il publie la même année un second livre de même nature, The Melody of the Heart, basé cette fois sur les textes de la New Version of the Psalms of David, publiée par les poètes Nahum Tate et Nicholas Brady, en 1696.

Ces deux livres seront rassemblés, les psaumes publiés dans diverses collections jusqu'en Amérique, ont une grande influence (une centaine de compositions).

À partir de 1755, il introduit des chants fugués, en prenant soin que les parties en contrepoint ne soient pas obligatoires au chant. Certains furent très populaires et ont perduré dans le temps.

Bangor, Chœur d'étudiants, Thomas Aquinas College, 2014.
Colchester. "O 'Twas a Joyful Sound to Hear", Paul Hillier & His Majestie's Clerkes

O 'twas a joyful sound to hear
Our tribes devoutly say,
Up, Israel! To the temple haste
And keep the festal day.

At Salem's courts we must appear,
With our assembled powers,
In strong and beauteous order ranged,
Like her united towers.

May peace within thy sacred walls
A constant guest be found;
With plenty and prosperity
Thy palaces be crowned.

For my dear brethren's sake, and friends
No less than brethren dear,
I'll pray: May peace in Salem's towers
A constant guest appear.

But most of all I'll seek thy good,
And ever wish thee well,
For Sion and the temple's sake,
Where God vouchsafes to dwel.

St Martins, « While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night », Andrew Remillard (piano).

While shepherds watched their flocks by night,
all seated on the ground,
an angel of the Lord came down,
and glory shone around.

"Fear not," said he for mighty dread
had seized their troubled mind
"glad tidings of great joy I bring
to you and all mankind.

"To you, in David's town, this day
is born of David's line
a Savior, who is Christ the Lord;
and this shall be the sign:

"The heavenly babe you there shall find
to human view displayed,
all simply wrapped in swaddling clothes
and in a manger laid."

Thus spoke the angel. Suddenly
appeared a shining throng
of angels praising God, who thus
addressed their joyful song:

"All glory be to God on high,
and to the earth be peace;
to those on whom his favor rests
goodwill shall never cease."

Tans'ur William

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Écrits relatifs à la musique

A compleate melody or the Harmony of Sion [...] In three v. Containing I. A new and compleat Introduction to the grounds of music

Tans'ur William

Tans'ur William

Tans'ur William

The American harmony; or royal melody complete. In two v. V. I Containing I. A new and correct introduction to the grounds of musick. II. A new and complete body of church-musick. III. A new and select number of hymns, anthems, and canons. The whole are composed in two, three, four, and five musical parts, according to the nicest rules; consisting of solo's, fuges, and chorus's correctly set in score for voices or organ. The 5th ed., with additions. By William Tans'ur, senior

Tans'ur William

Tans'ur William

A new musical grammar: or, the harmonical spectator. Containing all the useful theoretical, practical, and technical parts of musick. Being a new and correct introduction to all the rudiments, terms, and characters, and composition in all its branches. With several scales for musical instruments; and philosophical demonstrations, on the nature of sound. Laid down in so concise and easy a method, as to be understood by the meanest practitioner, whether vocal or instrumental, by way of question and answer. By William Tansur

Willima Tans'ur


Tans'ur William

The elements of musick display'd: or, its grammar, or ground-work made easy: rudimental, practical, philosophical, historical, and technical. In five books. Containing. I. An universal introduction to all the rudiments of musick. II. Of time, in all its various moods [...] III. The structure of musical instruments. With sacred lessons; songs in parts; and tunes for instruments. IV. The theory of sound. with the principles of composition, in all its branches. V. A new musical-dictionary. By William Tans'ur, senior

William Tans'ur


Tans'ur William

The Royal melody complete, or the new harmony of Sion. In three books containing I. A new. Introduction to the grounds of musick

William Tans'ur


William Tans'ur


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