bandeau texte musicologie

5th GREAM Young Researchers Study Day

17 mars 2017, Strasbourg
Deadline for proposals : January 31, 2017
University of Strasbourg and Labex GREAM – France

The Young Researchers Group of the GREAM Centre of Excellence for Musicological Research is organising the 5th International Doctoral and Post-doctoral Symposium under the title of “Music Analysis: Beyond the Boundaries of the Score”. The symposium will be held in Strasbourg in France on 17 March 2017 and will question the reasons and the conditions of the analytical methods which go beyond the boundaries of the score.

Spoken paper proposals of approximately 20 minutes can be submitted in French or English. Abstracts (max. 400 words) should contain the name, status, and affiliation of the speaker. They should be sent jointly to Camille Lienhard (camille.lienhard -at-, Abril Padilla (abril.padilla -at- and Dr Julie Walker (julie.walker -at-

Please follow the link for the complete call for papers and more informations

Don't hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.
Best regards,
Camille Lienhard, Abril Padilla and Dr Julie Walker.

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Mercredi 22 Novembre, 2023