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Sights and Sounds: The History of the Senses in German Speaking Europe

5-7 octobre 2017, Atlanta

The 41st German Studies Association Conference, Atlanta, Georgia

How do visual studies and music and sound studies interact with each other and relate to larger understandings of the senses? This 3-day seminar, co-sponsored by the Music and Sound Studies Network (David Imhoof and Kira Thurman, directors) and the Visual Culture Network (Dan Magilow and Heather Mathews, directors) of the German Studies Association, will engage with readings from both fields, as well as with broader works on the senses, media, and epistemology.

Guiding themes for our inquiry include:

Sight vs. Sound: when, why, and how did sight become divorced from sound in public discourse and in academic scholarship? What are the intellectual consequences of these divisions?

Perceptions: what are ways in which seeing gendered, racialized, and nationalized bodies, for example, influenced what people heard? Similarly, what are ways in which sounds have shaped people's perceptions of what they are seeing?

Synesthesia: how has the German-speaking world understood synesthesia, and how did those discourses shape how we understand the relationship between sight and sound today?

Methodologies: how might new practices employing visualization and sonification technologies encourage us to think about sensory experiences in German-speaking Europe in new ways?

Gesamtkunstwerk: considering that many art forms and cultural products have always been multisensory, how might we approach genres of film, television, dance, and opera anew?

GSA Seminars meet for all three days of the conference during the first morning slot to foster extended discussion, rigorous intellectual exchange, and intensified networking. For more information on the seminar, please visit the GSA website and apply electronically at:

Applications for enrollment are due by January 26, 2017.

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Mercredi 22 Novembre, 2023