bandeau actu musicologie

Sources and Archives in Screen Sound Studies

1-2 juin 2017, Huddersfield (UK)

University of Huddersfield UK
Deadline: 20 March 2017

As research on screen sound and music continues to expand, its questions, methodologies, and objects of study have become increasingly diverse. Source materials, including production documentation, musical scores/sketches, papers and ephemera, and audiovisual materials, play a significant yet problematic role. They are difficult to access, and frequently reveal working practices that challenge traditional notions of autonomy, authorship, and creativity. Archival-based research often emphasizes industry processes, technologies, and personnel, and may sometimes feel disconnected from approaches to textual analysis.

This symposium aims to open up dialogue around the challenges of access, study, and integration of these materials and concerns. Around 20 places are available: the symposium is free of charge and supported by the Leverhulme Trust, British Academy, and University of Huddersfield. Some funding will also be available to assist with travel/accommodation.

We aim to foster collaboration and discussion around the role and significance of source materials in all aspects of sound and moving image research, including film and television musicology, ludomusicology, voice/sound studies, and practice research. Issues discussed might include:

Archival formats and materials: preservation, access, and dissemination

The interface of process documentation with textual analysis

Source materials as creative stimulus

Archives, scholars, and the wider public

Analysing aesthetics in an industrial context

Training needs and provision for audiovisual researchers

Pedagogical approaches to archival material

Archiving the current practices of institutions/individuals

Copyright and ‘fair use' of source materials

Potential participants are invited to submit a 250-word outline of their proposed contribution to the symposium by 20 March 2017. Full details and submission guidelines are available at

Committee: Dr Catherine Haworth (University of Huddersfield); Dr Nathan Platte (University of Iowa); Ben Winters (Open University). Please send correspondence to c.m.haworth -at-

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Lundi 20 Novembre, 2023