Né peut-être à Londres en décembre (?) 1705, mort à Londres le 25 juin 1741.
Il est peut-être le Pierre Prelleur, baptisé le 16 décembre 1705, à l'église française de Threadneedle Street, à Londres. Compositeur, claveciniste et organiste. Secrétaire à Londres.
D'origine française, il est d'abord écrivain public à Londres.
Il joue du clavecin à la taverne « Angel and Crown Concert ».
En 1728 il est organiste à Saint-Alban, dans Wood Street à Londres. Peu après l'ouverture du Goodman's Fields Theatre, dans Ayliffe Street, à Whitechapel, le 31 octobre 1739, il est engagé comme claveciniste. Il y compose ou arrange des opéras- ballades.
The Goodman's
Fields Theatre
En mars 1736, il est nommé organiste à la Christ Church, dans Spitalfields.
Après le « Licensing Act » (ou « Theatrical Licensing Act ») du 21 juin 1737, qui soumet les théâtres à une censure stricte, le Goodman's Field Theatre est fermé. Henry Giffard, le directeur, transfère les activités de son théâtre au New Wells Theatre (ou Goodman's Fields Wells), dans Leman Street. Prelleur y compose des pantomimes, et en 1740, il crée son interlude Baucis and Philemon.
Il est un des souscripteurs fondateurs de la Royal Society of Musicians, le 28 août 1739.
The modern musick master or, the universal musician, containing, I. An introduction to singing, after so easy a method, that persons of the meanest capacities may (in a short time learn to sing (in tune) any song that is set to musick. II. Directions for playing on the flute: with a scale for transposing any piece of musick to the properest keys for that instrument. III. The newest method for learners on the german flute, as improv'd by the greatest masters of the age. IV. Instructions upon the hautboy, in a more familiar method than any extant. V. The art of playing on the violin [...] VI. The harpsichord illustrated and improv'd [...] with a brief history of musick [...] To which is added a musical dictionary [...] Curiously adorn'd with cuts representing the manner of performing on every instrument
Bingley William, Musical biography : or, memoirs of the lives and writings of the most eminent musical composers and writers, who have flourished in the different countries of Europe during the last three centuries. R. Bentley, London 1834.
COLYER-FERGUSSON THOMAS COLYER (éd.), The Registers of the French Church, Thread-needle Street, London (III). Lymington Hants 1906, p. 268
DAWE DONOVAN, Organists of the City of London 1666-1850. Padstow 1983, p. 134.
EITNER ROBERT (1832-1905), Biographisch-Bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon der Musiker und Musikgelehrten. Leipzig 1900-1904 [10 v.]; New York, 1947 [10 v.]; Graz, Aka-demische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt 1959 [11 v.]
FISKE ROGER, English Theatre Music in the Eighteenth Century. Oxford University Press 1973 ; 1986.
GERBER ERNST LUDWIG (1746-1819), Historisch-biographisches Lexikon der Tonkünstler. Leipzig, Breitkopf 1790-1792; Leipzig, Künhel 1812-1814; Graz, 1966-1968 [éd : par Othmar Wessely selon l'édition de Leipzig 1812];
HAWKINS JOHN (1719-1789), A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. London, T. Payne and son 1776; London, Novelo, Ewer & Co; New York J. L. Peter 1875; New York, Dover Publications 1963; Graz, Akademische Druck- und Ver-lagsanstalt 1969.
HIGHFILL PHILIPP H., A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Managers & Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660-1800. Carbondale (Il.), Southern Illinois University Press 1973-1993 [16 v., 26 cm]
JOHNSTONE H. DIACK (éd.), Ten Eighteenth-Century Voluntaries by Peter Prelleur & John James from R. C. O. manuscript. Oxford University Press 1986 [préface, 36 p. de musique]
—, An Unknown Book of Organ Voluntaries. Dans « Music Times » (108) 1967, p. 1003-1007
Colyer-Fergusson Thomas Colyer (1865-1951) (éditeur), The Registers of the French Church, Threadneedle Street, London. Hants, Lymington 1906, (iii) p. 268
Kassler Jamie Croy, The science of music in Britain, 1714-1830. A catalogue of writings, lectures and inventions [ 2 v.]. Garland, New York 1979.
Matthews Betty, The Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain : list of members 1738-1984. Royal Society of Musicians, London: 1985.
Notes and press cuttings on Goodman's Fields Theatre, 1729-1743. Manuscrit 939. b.2, Burney Collection, Bodleian Library, London, vers 1807.
Platt Richard, Peter Prelleur. Dans « The New Grove Dicitonary of Music and Musicians ».
w. h. h., Peter Prelleur. Dans Grove George, (1820-1900), « A Dictionary of Music and Musicians ». (3), p. 28
PRELLEUR, PETER, was of French extraction and in early life a writing master. About 1728 he was elected organist of St. Alban, Wood Street, and shortly afterwards engaged to play the harpsichord at Goodman's Fields Theatre, which he continued to do until the suppression of the theatre under the Licensing Act in 1 737, composing also the dances and occasional music. In 1730 he published « The Modern Musick Master, or, the Universal Musician/ containing an introduction to singing, instructions for playing the flute, German flute, hautboy, violin, and harpsichord, with a brief History of Music, and a Musical Dictionary ». In 1735 he was elected the first organist of Christ Church, Spitalfields. After the closing of Goodman's Fields Theatre he was engaged at a newly opened place of entertainment in Leman Street close by, called the New Wells, for which he composed some songs, and an interlude entitled « Baucis and Philemon », containing a good overture and some pleasing songs and duets, the score of which he published. Fifteen hymn tunes by him were included in a collection of twenty-four published by one Moze, an organist, in 1758, under the title of « Divine Melody », in which he is spoken of as if then dead. [W. H. H.].
Jean-Marc Warszawski
Novembre 1995-28 novembre 2010
Révision 11 janvier 2017
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