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Actualités musicales

jeudi 11 juillet 2013



11 juillet 2012North American conference on Nineteenth-Century Music

Call for Papers.

Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, July 11-13, 2013

The program committee welcomes proposals for individual papers, lecture-recitals, and panels on all topics relating to the history, analysis, and reception of music during the long nineteenth century (ca. 1789-1913). The committee would especially welcome proposals related to:

* Richard Wagner and Giuseppe Verdi, in recognition of the 200th anniversaries of their births;

* The U.S. Civil War Sesquicentennial;

* Topics on teaching nineteenth-century music for a Pedagogy Roundtable;

* Research on other musicians celebrating anniversaries, such as Pauline de Ahna (1863-1950), Charles-Valentin Alkan (1813-88), Franz Danzi (1763-1826), Franz Gruber (1787-1863), Adalbert Gyrowetz (1763-1850), Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945), Horatio Parker (1863-1919), and Felix Weingartner (1863-1942).

A keynote lecture will be delivered by renowned Verdi scholar Andreas Giger (Louisiana State University).

Proposals for individual papers and lecture-recitals should include all of the following:

(1) a presentation title and an abstract of no more than 300 words;

(2) a brief biography of the author(s) for inclusion in the conference program;

(3) a note providing proposal title, institutional affiliation, and contact information for the presenter(s).

Proposals for panels should include all of the above information for each participant and paper.

All presentations will be allotted 40 minutes, including questions and discussion; therefore, presentations should be kept to 25 minutes.

Lecture-recitals will be allotted up to 60 minutes at the discretion of the program committee.

Proposals should be sent by e-mail as an MS Word or PDF attachment to Mary Jean Speare, spearemj at


Further inquiries may be directed to the organizational committee: Kevin Burke, Therese Ellsworth, William Gibbons, Alicia Levin, Douglas Shadle, Marie Sumner Lott, and Jess Tyre

More details are available at the conference website:

11 juillet 2012Recital and urnab setting in the nineteenth century


La Spezia 11-13 juillet 2013

Organized by
Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Lucca
Società dei Concerti, La Spezia

In association with Palazzetto Bru Zane - Centre de musique romantique française, Venice

The conference aims to investigate the recital (defined as a concert given by both a single and a small group of performers) within the context of the transition from a rural society to an industrialized and urbanized one. The scientific committee encourages the submission of proposals that analyze the relationship between places, institutions, performers, recital repertory in Europe and beyond and their relation to the sociological, economical and technological dynamics associated with the period in question.

Two sessions will be devoted, respectively, to France as the nation that saw the initial flourishing of the recital, and Charles-Valentin Alkan, on the bicentenary of his birth. The programme committee encourages submissions within the following areas, although other topics are also welcome:

· The Roots of the Recital

· The Recital and the Growth of International Music Business

· The Recital and the Transformation of Urban Setting

· Capital Cities, Towns, Small Musical Centres and Institutions

· Concert Halls and Architectonical Conceptions

· The Recital and the Development of Technology

· The Recital and Masses

· The Recital and Press

· The Recital and Instruments Manufacturers, Publishers, Concert Agents

· The Recital in France

· Charles-Valentin Alkan


· Andrea Barizza, La Spezia; Richard Bösel, Rome; Etienne Jardin, Paris/Venice; Roberto Illiano, Lucca; Fulvia Morabito, Lucca; Massimiliano Sala, Lucca; Rohan H. Stewart-Macdonald, Leominster, UK


· Richard Bösel (Istituto Storico Austriaco, Rome)
· Laure Schnapper (EHESS, Paris)

The official languages of the conference are English, French, and Italian. Papers selected at the conference will be published in a miscellaneous volume. Papers are limited to twenty minutes in length, allowing time for questions and discussion. Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words and one page of biography.

All proposals should be submitted by email no later than ***Saturday 15 March 2013*** to <conferences at>. With your proposal please include your name, contact details (postal address, e-mail and telephone number) and (if applicable) your affiliation. The committee will make its final decision on the abstracts by the 1 April 2013, and contributors will be informed immediately thereafter. Further information about the programme, registration, travel and accommodation will be announced by the middle of April.

For any additional information, please contact:
Dr. Massimiliano Sala, Via Pelleria, 25, I-55100 Lucca (Lu)
conferences at


11 juillet 2012Music on Small Screens


11-13 juillet 2013, Ottawa

CFP Deadline: 15 March 2013

The IMS Study Group Music and Media (MaM) will hold its fifth international meeting in Ottawa at Carleton University, the first time in North America. Over the course of the last two decades, the dominance of the large cinematic screen has gradually eroded in favour of smaller formats for the consumption of screen media. In recognition of this development, the 2013 MaM meeting will focus on “Music on Small Screens,” with a keynote address by Karen Collins (author of Game Sound and Playing with Sound). Papers that address music and sound in one or more of the small screen media/formats, whether for example television, video games, YouTube, tablets, smart phones or PSP, are especially welcome.

Proposals on other aspects of Music and Media will also be considered, with the following areas of particular interest:

* Music and cinematic paratexts

* Music and/or/as sound in screen media research

Keynote speaker:
Karen Collins (University of Waterloo), author of Game Sound (2008) and Playing with Sound (2013)

Program committee:
Anahid Kassabian (University of Liverpool), Claudia Gorbman (University of Washington Tacoma), Emile Wennekes (Utrecht University), James Deaville (Carleton University), Michael Saffle (Virginia Tech), Paul Théberge (Carleton University)

Proposals for 20-minutes papers are welcome from academics (faculty and students) and practitioners alike. Each submission should include the following information: author name, academic affiliation, e-mail address, title of presentation, abstract (300 words max.), a short CV, and a list of technological requirements (power point, CD player, etc).

All proposals must be submitted by 15 March 2013 to: e.wennekes at

Organization: IMS Study Group “Music and Media” (MaM) and Carleton University, School for Studies in Art and Culture: Music

Location: Carleton University

Dates: 11-13 July 2013

Additional info is at the web site

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 juillet 2013 








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